NECP in the News

NECPL announces participation in the US Department of Energy's Transmission Facilitation Programs Part 1 - Request for Proposals
TDI-NE's permitted, widely supported and bi-directional New England Clean Power Link ("NECPL") is proud to announce participation in the in the US Department of Energy's ("DOE") Transmission Facilitation Programs Part 1 - Request for Proposals (RFP) under the Biden Administration Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act. This RFP seeks to fund eligible electric power transmission lines to facilitate the construction of infrastructure and technologies that improve and enhance the capacity, efficiency, resiliency, and reliability of the electric power transmission system while also improving and enhancing access to low cost and low carbon energy resources. NECPL meets or exceeds all the qualifying criteria required in the RFP to be an eligible electric power transmission line. The TDI-NE RFP response was filed on February 1st. TDI commends the Biden Administration and the DOE for their steadfast commitment to clean energy, a stronger grid and a better renewable future for all Americans. We are pleased to participate in this procurement.
About NECPL:The NECPL project is a fully buried 1000MW HVDC transmission line that will connect Eastern Canada and New England as part of the region's transition to renewable energy. The project can move energy between Eastern Canada and New England in both directions. Once the New England offshore wind industry grows to its full potential over the next decade, it will carry the expected excess wind energy generated in New England to be "stored" in Eastern Canada reservoirs. The energy will be returned months later during periods when renewable supply cannot meet demand in New England. The bidirectional capability between the markets has been studied and determined to be the lowest cost solution to economically build out the clean New England grid of the future. The buried project will travel underground in waterways and already disturbed ROWs through its host state of Vermont where it is widely supported by communities, environmental stakeholders and elected officials including the Governor.