Public Documents

As is the case with any project of this scale and scope, the New England Clean Power Link will undergo regulatory reviews conducted by a variety of federal and state agencies and authorities. In order to facilitate effective public participation in these reviews, the Public Documents section of this website will provide access to key public documents filed or issued in the context of the regulatory process. Other relevant documents may be found at agency websites and at dedicated websites that may be required as a part of a particular process.
Federal Review
U.S. government agencies will issue a number of federal permits and approvals for the project. The Department of Energy issues a Presidential Permit for electric transmission facilities that connect at the international border, and the Army Corps of Engineers issues permits for activities in navigable waters of the United States and related infrastructure. The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission will be asked to grant the authority to sell transmission rights at negotiated rates. Review by all of these agencies will be informed by and predicated on a full review of the project's environmental impacts pursuant to the National Environmental Policy Act.
Vermont Review
Vermont places overall responsibility of siting electric transmission projects with the Public Service Board (PSB). By statute, the PSB is required to review a myriad of factors — environmental, land use, local and regional, economic, health and safety, energy planning, and electric grid — in order to determine whether the project will serve the public good. If so, the PSB will issue a Certificate of Public Good which will detail the terms and conditions under which the project may be constructed and operated.
The Vermont Agency of Natural Resources (ANR) and its departments will also play a central role in reviewing the project’s potential effects on key environmental resources — Lake Champlain, wetlands and streams, threatened and endangered species, and possibly others — prior to issuing any permit decisions.
The Vermont Agency of Transportation will also be involved in the review of any work proposed to be conducted in State rights-of-way.
More information on the Vermont approval process, including information on how to participate in it, can be found at the Public Service Board’s website. The Vermont Public Service Board also has a dedicated web page for the project, which is here.
The ANR website has additional information on that agency's role and obligations.
Independent System Operator Reviews
The reliability of the transmission system in New England is the responsibility of the New England Independent System Operator (ISO-NE). An interconnection application has been filed with ISO-NE for the project, and technical studies will continue to be performed in the months ahead.
Federal Review
U.S. government agencies will issue a number of federal permits and approvals for the project. The Department of Energy issues a Presidential Permit for electric transmission facilities that connect at the international border, and the Army Corps of Engineers issues permits for activities in navigable waters of the United States and related infrastructure. The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission will be asked to grant the authority to sell transmission rights at negotiated rates. Review by all of these agencies will be informed by and predicated on a full review of the project's environmental impacts pursuant to the National Environmental Policy Act.
Vermont Review
Vermont places overall responsibility of siting electric transmission projects with the Public Service Board (PSB). By statute, the PSB is required to review a myriad of factors — environmental, land use, local and regional, economic, health and safety, energy planning, and electric grid — in order to determine whether the project will serve the public good. If so, the PSB will issue a Certificate of Public Good which will detail the terms and conditions under which the project may be constructed and operated.
The Vermont Agency of Natural Resources (ANR) and its departments will also play a central role in reviewing the project’s potential effects on key environmental resources — Lake Champlain, wetlands and streams, threatened and endangered species, and possibly others — prior to issuing any permit decisions.
The Vermont Agency of Transportation will also be involved in the review of any work proposed to be conducted in State rights-of-way.
More information on the Vermont approval process, including information on how to participate in it, can be found at the Public Service Board’s website. The Vermont Public Service Board also has a dedicated web page for the project, which is here.
The ANR website has additional information on that agency's role and obligations.
Independent System Operator Reviews
The reliability of the transmission system in New England is the responsibility of the New England Independent System Operator (ISO-NE). An interconnection application has been filed with ISO-NE for the project, and technical studies will continue to be performed in the months ahead.