NECP in the News

Transmission Developers Inc. - New England Statement
2/21/2018 -- Don Jessome, CEO of TDI-New England (TDI-NE), issued the following statement about its 1,000 MW New England Clean Power Link:
"TDI-NE offers a fully supported, fully underground and viable, shovel-ready solution to help New England meet its clean energy goals with low-cost electricity. Our New England Clean Power Link (NECPL) remains the only transmission solution in New England with all major permits and we continue to stand ready to help the region transition to a clean energy future. We remain committed to building the project and delivering its benefits to the region."
"We are grateful for the support Vermont has provided our project. Through a thoughtful and rigorous process, Vermont and TDI-NE have developed an innovative energy infrastructure project that respects and minimizes impacts to communities and the environment."